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DALL·E 2024-08-28 07.02.04 - An inspiring background representing the journey towards ment
Writer's pictureHendry Kooistra

Do We Still Care About Others in a Busy and Hectic Time? (loneliness, depression, anxiety)

In the Netherlands, we are facing an increasing problem of loneliness, depression, anxiety and panic disorders. The workload seems to be rising, or perhaps we are making ourselves too busy. Everyone seems to be caught up in their own lives—whether it's family, work, or running a business. When you ask someone how they’re doing, you often hear: "Yeah, good, but busy, busy, busy."

In the midst of this hectic life

style, messages are sometimes forgotten, and we are taking less and less time to truly look after one another. For those struggling with serious issues, this can lead to feelings of isolation, making loneliness even worse. Recent statistics show that in 2023, around 10.8% of people in the Netherlands aged 15 and older felt severely lonely​ (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek) And this issue is not limited to the elderly; many young people aged 15 to 25 report feeling emotionally lonely​ (CBS). In 2022, nearly half of the adult population felt lonely to some degree, with 14% reporting severe loneliness​


Is this a sign that we’ve become more selfish, or are we being pushed by larger systems—like the government and tax structures—to be more focused on ourselves? We live in a country where almost everything is taxed, and hard work is often met with even more financial burdens. It feels like we’re constantly racing against time, without any room to stop and check on others.

Simply sending a text or asking, "How are you really doing?" can make a big difference. But how often is that question asked? And more importantly, is it truly answered?

While it's important to prioritize yourself, that doesn’t mean we should forget about others. It’s essential to nurture old friendships and to pay attention to those around us. Those who take the time to care for others will, in the long run, find themselves rewarded—whether through the appreciation of a friend or simply the feeling of having done something good.

What Can You Do If You Feel Lonely?

If you’re feeling lonely, there are ways to help yourself. Join a sports club or simply step outside. A conversation can easily start in a supermarket. Join a community that aligns with one of your passions, or try something new that pushes you out of your comfort zone. A small gesture, like helping someone on the street or performing a random act of kindness, can not only brighten someone else’s day but also make you feel better.

A small action, such as sending a message once a week, can make a world of difference for someone feeling lonely. Let’s take the time to stop and genuinely care for one another.

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